SkillPlus Academy®

Web Designing Training & Certification Course

Build your career as a successful Web developer with rigorous and expert-led training by SkillPlus. Web designing is a field that combines creativity and technical skills to create visually appealing and functional websites. A web design course will equip you with the knowledge and tools to build websites from scratch.

Web Designing Training Certification Course Overview

This course will equip you with the fundamental skills to design and develop interactive websites. We’ll explore the four cornerstones of web development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. This course offers a thorough exploration of the principles, tools, and techniques essential for modern web design. Through a blend of theory and practical exercises, students will learn to create aesthetically pleasing, functional, and user-centric websites. Topics include HTML, CSS, and responsive design.

Web Designing Training Course Syllabus

  • Introduction To HTML5
  • HTML Document Structure
  • History of HTML
  • Mastering Syntax
  • Navigating HTML Documents & Structure
  • Unveiling HTML Attributes
  • Creating first Code
  • Exploring HTML Headings
  • Understanding HTML Paragraphs
  • Understanding HR and BR Tags
  • Mastering HTML Comments
  • Text Formatting in HTML
  • Creating Seamless Links and Anchors
  • Enhancing Images with Picture Tag
  • Enhancing Images with Figure Tag
  • Organizing Information with Lists in HTML
  • Effective Data Presentation with HTML Tables
  • Embedding Content Like a Pro with HTML Iframes
  • Adding Audio and Video to Web Page
  • Creating Interactive Forms with Forms and Input Elements
  • Enhancing Website Structure with HTML Semantic Elements
  • Boosting SEO with HTML Meta Tags
  • Unveiling the Art of SEO
  • HTML Project
  • How The Website Works
  • HTML vs CSS vs JS
  • What is CSS & Who Maintained It?
  • CSS History
  • Inline vs Internal vs External
  • Comments In CSS
  • Colors in CSS
  • Background Properties In CSS
  • Parallax Website in Project
  • Units in CSS
  • Font Properties in CSS
  • Text Properties in CSS
  • Border in CSS
  • Padding in CSS
  • Margin in CSS
  • Box Model in CSS
  • Gradients In CSS
  • Box Shadows In CSS
  • Filters in CSS
  • Lists in CSS
  • Anchor State in CSS
  • Combinators in CSS
  • Display in CSS
  • Positions in CSS
  • Z-index in CSS
  • Overflow in CSS
  •  Pseudo-Elements
  • Pseudo-Class in CSS
  • Column Layout in CSS
  • Flexbox in CSS
  • Grid in CSS
  • Transitions in CSS
  • Transform in CSS
  • Animations in CSS
  • CSS Variables
  • CSS Specificity
  • CSS new Features
  • Container Queries in CSS
  • Creating Lunar Eclipse Animation
  • Understanding Vendor Prefixes in CSS
  • Final Project
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • How Websites Work with JavaScript
  • What is JavaScript
  • History of JavaScript
  • Creating first File
  • Values and Variables in JavaScript
  • Data Types in JavaScript
  • Advanced Data Types in JS
  • Concatenation and Type Coercion in JS
  • Expressions and Operators in JS
  • Functions in JS
  • ECMAScript 2015 Overview
  • Arrays in JS
  • Strings in JS
  • Math Objects in JS
  • Window, Document and Browser Object Models
  • Events in JS
  • Project : Background Gradient Generator
  • Local Storage in JS
  • Project : Todo Application
  • Date & Time Objects
  • Timing-based Events in JS
  • Project : Digital Watch
  • Project : Stopwatch with Timer
  • Objects in JavaScript
  • Pass by Value vs Pass by Reference
  • ‘this’ keyword in JS
  • JavaScript runtime-Event Loop
  • Hoisting in JS
  • Lexical & Scope Chaining
  • Closures in JS
  • Promises in JS
  • Async-Await & Try Catch
  • Project : Weather Application

Choose Your Preferred Learning Mode




Web Designing Training Batch Schedule



Batch Type


20th May'24 (Ongoing Batch)

90 Hrs.

Weekdays - Mon to Fri

Offline / Online

23rd September'24 (Upcoming Batch)

90 Hrs.

Weekdays - Mon to Fri

Offline / Online

Benefits of SkillPlus Web Designing Course

What You Need?

What SkillPlus Provides?

What Others Provides?

Earn Industry-Recognized Certification

Showcase your expertise in your chosen skills with the certificate.

SkillPlus certification helps you enhance your reputation and credibility.

Certified professionals may command higher salaries.

Beat the competition in the job market and get hired faster.

Web Designing Training Certification Course FAQs

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used for creating the structure and content of web pages. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used for styling HTML elements and controlling their appearance. JavaScript is a scripting language used for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language used for developing dynamic web applications.

No prior programming experience is required, but familiarity with basic computer operations and navigating the internet would be beneficial.

For coding, you’ll need a text editor like Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code. A web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari for testing your web pages. Optionally, you can install a local server environment like XAMPP or WAMP for running PHP scripts locally.

Yes. You can take two days of free demo classes.

Yes, upon successful completion of the course requirements, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Yes, after completing this course, you may choose to pursue advanced courses in web development, specialize in frontend or backend development, or explore related fields such as web design, user experience (UX) design, or web accessibility.

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